If you want to learn Digital Marketing, consider looking at this specialization from University of Illinois on Coursera. This specialization covers everything you should know about digital marketing in 7 courses, taught by industry experts.
The whole content is 100% online, there is no need to attend the classes in person. Subtitles for the same are available in English, Arabic, Serbian, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazilian), Vietnamese, Turkish, Spanish.
Whether you want to learn digital marketing for personal use or for profession, this specialization is the ideal choice. The best part is, once you complete the specialization, you get a certificate of recognition.
This is one of the most enrolled specializations on Coursera. It has been featured in many articles and business magazines over the last few years. Anyone can take this specialization, there are no prerequisites. All you need to have is the will to learn and you will be good to go.
There are 7 courses in this specialization, each one is very important. If you already know some of the stuff, you can choose to skip and move to the next course. If you are a complete beginner, consider taking all the 7 courses in the manner they are presented in the specialization.
There are 46,000+ learners enrolled into this program as of January 2024. And the rating of the Specialization is 4.6/5 after 16K+ ratings.
Learners get 7 days of free trial for this specialization, just click on this exclusive link to claim it.
Following are the 7 courses in this specialization in the order they are structured in the specialization. Again, if you are a beginners, its highly recommended you go through all the courses!
You learn from the following industry experts, each one has significant amount of experience and knowledge.
The above are some of the top names of digital marketing instructors. Anyone who learns from them will do great in their career.
The digital marketing specialization from University of Illinois in partnership with Coursera is a great resource for anyone who wants to master digital marketing. You learn everything, right from digital marketing analytics, search engine optimization, social media marketing, 3D Printing and more. Therefore, we highly recommend it to the learners! This could give your business, brand, career a great boost, just go for it today!
Note: You get 7 days of free trial when land on the specialization following this exclusive link
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