The Complete iOS 11 Developer Course – Create Real Apps
Are you planning to learn iOS 11 and Swift 4? Do you want to create real apps that can be monetized? If yes, then you should select a teacher who actually creates the real world apps. We have found such instructor on Udemy, Mr. Grant Kilmaytys. The complete iOS 11 developer course by Grant is one of the best and highly recommended courses to serve your purpose.
Develop any wild iOS 11 application you can imagine
Create revenue-earning games and apps to generate passive income
Understanding the thorough concept of programming from an experienced veteran
Garner a sound skill set related to Swift programming that will help while applying for jobs
Get a number of varying kinds of apps published on the App Store (including source code)
Get to work with Google Web services and Google Firebase
A free introductory lesson about Sketch Design for application mockups
What do you need in order to undergo the course?
Have a Mac that runs the latest MacOS which is essential for creating iOS apps
You can also assemble your own machine if you find Mac too expensive
The Complete iOS 11 Developer Course from Udemy includes 30.5 hours of on-demand video, 4 articles, 4 supplemental resources, lifetime access, access on television and mobile phone, and a certificate of completion at the end
Goal of this course is to turn you into the most competent developer, entrepreneur, and freelancer that you could ever imagine to be!
Instructor of the course promises you to not miss why you are enrolling in it. This course thinks about you and your needs. This course understands that you are eager to improve yourself and grow by either (a) creating your own startup, (b) or freelancing, or (c) getting employed at high-paying positions
The course endows you with every developer skill that you could ever want and it also offers much more. It includes an entire section on creating startup, right from conception all the way down to raising good sum of money in venture capital funding
iOS developer course can make you a six-figure-salaried developer, or a highly paid freelancer, or a successful creator of a startup.
This course includes an app that is not present in any other course.
About the Instructor:
The instructor Grant Klimaytys is a professional app developer and teacher, who had not begun his journey as a programmer. He remembers what it is like to be a novice beginner at whom complicated jargons are thrown! This inspires him to explain everything that you need to know in plain and simple English.
Building your own startup from conceptualizing, to funding, to selling.
Who should take this course?
This course is ideal for beginners to programming or iOS programming. This is not for experts at iOS programming.
If you wish to know more about this course, you can Go here
Do share this article with your friends and colleagues if you find it interesting, If you have any question in regards to this course please feel free to contact us.
Pankaj Sharma
Have been creating content since 2007. Owner of several blogs and website. If you have any questions, reach me here