iOS sale on Udemy Goes Live
There is an iOS sale on Udemy which lasts till 1st of August 2017. The sale is site-wide, you can enroll in any udemy course for $10 during this event.

Why Udemy is calling it iOS sale?
Probably because of the fact that, Udemy has launched 28 online courses on iOS 11 this month. They are giving these new iOS 11 courses a head-start with this $10 sale. So guys, go ahead and get your hands on these courses now. Learn to develop apps for the most popular and secure mobile operating system on the planet.
These iOS app development courses are available in 13 different languages. Following are the languages in random order:
Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Italian, French, German
Benefits for Developers
With 28 courses in 13 languages Udemy is the first to deliver exhaustive training on getting your apps up to speed with the new iOS 11. Uncover new levels of learning, starting from where you are right now.
Stack up knowledge for all of your iOS 11 development needs:
- Insight for new developers ready to launch their first app
- Get a grasp of the new iOS features for your users
- Learn how to code in Swift 4
- Stay ahead of the game for seasoned developers
- Update your existing apps to keep them fresh and competitive
Udemy iOS 11 courses on sale language wise
Some More Languages:
French Courses
Webpage | Instructor |
Développer pour iOS 11 avec Swift 4 | Ludovic Ollagnier |
Italian Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
IOS 11 e SWIFT 4 : Sviluppa app per iphone e ipad da zero | Hidran Arias |
Japanese Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
【6日で速習】iOS 11(iPhone/iPad)アプリ開発入門 | 井上 博樹 (Hiroki Inoue) |
Korean Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
Swift4로 배우는 iOS11 프로그래밍 : 인공지능(AI) 아이폰 앱 개발하기 | 블로터 아카데미 |
Polish Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
iOS 11 i Swift 4 od podstaw – tworzenie gier i aplikacji | Educativo PL |
Portuguese Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
Curso de desenvolvimento IOS 11 – Aprenda a criar 18 Apps | Jamilton Damasceno |
Turkish Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
iOS 11 Swift 4 ve Firebase ile Uygulama Geliştirme | Kerim Çağlar |
iOS 11 & Swift 4: Başlangıçtan İleri Seviyeye Mobil Uygulama | Atil Samancioglu |
Chinese Courses | |
Webpage | Instructor |
深入浅出 iPhone 开发 (使用 Swift4) | Wei Wei |
深入淺出 iPhone 開發 (使用 Swift4)u | Wei Wei |
More info on iOS sale
The sale is site-wide, close to 50,000 Udemy courses are on sale. Here are the important dates to note:
- Start Date: 24th of January 2017 12:00 am PST
- End Date: 1st of August 2017 12:00 am PST
View the iOS 11 collection page to pick an iOS 11 course for just $10 now!
Learn on your own pace
You don’t have to bother about class timings at all, play and resume your course as needed. With Udemy mobile and TV apps, learning has become even more easier. You can study at your office, home or even while traveling. So, go ahead and take a course of your choice for just $10 and build your skills.
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