Machine Learning Specialization on Coursera

If you are looking for Machine learning courses or certification, do take a look at the one offered by Andrew NG on Coursera. Instructor of the course is Andrew Ng, the biggest names of online teaching space and the co-founder of Coursera.

This course is probably the best selling Machine learning specialization on the internet at the moment! The rating of this program is 4.9/5 after 23K+ ratings, and 442K + enrollments totally confirm my claim.

Note: This Popular Andrew NG Machine Learning Specialization has been updated and can be taken by going here. The new Specialization is created by Stanford University and The instructors of the new Machine Learning Specialization are: Andrew NG, Eddi Shyu, Aarti Bagul and Geoff Ludwig.

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More About This Best Selling Machine Learning Specialization

It is a 3 course Specialization, and each course in the specialzation is important and needs to be completed to get the certificate of completion. The three courses in the specialization are:

  1. Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification
  2. Advanced Learning Algorithms
  3. Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning

It is advised that, learners should take these courses in the manner as ordered in the specialization.

Why you should take this Machine Learning Specialization?

  • Taught by Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Coursera and former head of Baidu AI Group/Google Brain
  • Comes From one of the most reputed universities, Stanford University
  • You get a certificate of completion after finishing the course successfully, this certificate carries a lot of weight in your resume or LinkedIn profile
  • Well structured curriculum, even for those who are in regular jobs
  • Starts from scratch, you need no prior knowledge of Machine learning
  • Access on Mobile through Android and iOS apps

Apart from the above, there are so many other reasons why you should pick coursera to learn machine learning, check them out over here..


This machine learning specialization on Coursera is indeed the best for learners. Do go ahead and enroll today if you are looking for the top ML course or certification!

Note: Please do not go by what I have written in this post, please verify all the information yourself before enrolling!

Hope you find this article interesting! Don’t forget to share it with your friends, do let them know about this course 🙂

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Machine Learning Specialization from university of WashingtonView the details


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