Learn how to lead people and teams – Specialization
I just came across a Coursera specialization that teaches you how to lead people and teams. This five-course specialization teaches you proven leadership and management techniques to lead effectively. This 100% online program is being offered by the University of Michigan exclusively on Coursera.

More about this leadership specialization
This specialization is quite new and has already been taken by more than 25,000 students. Those who are interested can go ahead and enroll for free right away. After the free trial ends, learners can continue or simply leave, no questions are asked.
Learn from the following highly skilled Instructors:
- Scott DeRue, Ph.D. Edward J. Frey Dean at the Ross School of Business Management and Organizations, Ross School of Business
- Maxim Sytch, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Management and Organizations Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow Management and Organizations, Ross School of Business
- Cheri Alexander, Chief Innovation Officer, and Executive Director of Corporate Learning Management and Organizations, Ross School of Business
Courses in this leadership program
This specialization consists of 5 courses, each well knitted to instill the proven leadership and management skills in you. Following are the courses:
- Inspiring and Motivating Individuals
- Managing talent
- Influencing People
- Leading Teams
- Leading People and Teams Capstone
Each course on the list is very important, it’s highly recommended that take each course in the manner they are put together. The best part is, you get the subtitles in English, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese (Simplified) and Arabic for each course in the specialization.
If you can spare 4 hours a week for this specialization, you can easily complete it in 5 months. And, we all know, sparing 5 hours a week is not a tough task.
Join 25,000+ already learning students, start learning the skills required to lead people and teams. Go here
This specialization is a great opportunity for learners to master teams and people leading skills. Consider enrolling today, learn from the instructors that teach in top Universities and colleges. Learn the same kind of skills 100% online that you would otherwise in a conventional classroom.
Happy Learning!
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