Learn to Collect, model, and deploy data-driven systems
If you want to learn A to Z of Collecting, modeling, and deployment of data-driven systems using Python and machine learning, consider looking at this Coursera specialization by UC San Diego View here.
The instructors of this four course specialization are:
- Julian McAuley, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
- Ilkay Altintas, Chief Data Science Officer, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Four Courses in the specialization
This specialization by University of California San Diego consists of four courses. We highly recommend that you take all the four courses as presented. Those who already have the knowledge of whats being taught in a particular course, they can choose to skip and go to the next course.
Following are the four courses:
- Basic Data Processing and Visualization
- Design Thinking and Predictive Analytics for Data Products
- Meaningful Predictive Modeling
- Deploying Machine Learning Models
To learn more about these courses, please go here

Who should take this specialization?
Anyone who has intermediate knowledge of the subject and is aiming to become a Data Scientist, Senior Data Analyst, or Data Engineer. Apart from this, anyone who wants to further enhance their Machine Learning, Python Programming, Predictive Analytics Data Processing and Data Visualization skills.
The specialization is 100% online, you can start from anywhere, just choose your own schedule and maintain it. So go ahead and give this specialization a go! You get 7 days of free trial if you land of the specialization page through any of the links in this post.
Those who can’t afford the price may consider applying for the financial aid program coursera runs. Those who are deserving may end up enrolling in the specialization for free.
Always aim for the Coursera certificate
If you choose to go for this specialization, make sure to get the certificate by fulfilling all the conditions. Coursera certificates are recognized by top tech companies. Therefore, make sure to mention it on your resume and Linkedin profiles to get an edge over the competitors.
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