Specialization: Blockchain Revolution for the Enterprise by Don Tapscott

Learn the fundamentals of BlockChain technology from Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, popular experts in business innovation and technology. Become future ready by learning the technology which is already a big thing and going to rule the business world online.

This Blockchain specialization comes from INSEAD, The Business School For The World in partnership with Coursera. Consider looking at it here..

Who are Don Tapscott & Alex Tapscott?

You already know this Father-Son pair if you follow business innovation and technology news and trends. For those who do not know who they are, consider looking at the following highlights:

  • Canadian Business Authors
  • Authors of the best-selling book Blockchain Revolution
  • World – Famous authorities on innovation and technology
  • Don Tapscott is CEO of the Tapscott Group and the Co-founder with Alex Topscott, Blockchain Research Institute
  • Alex Tapscott is the CEO and Founder of NextBlock Global

More about Blockchain Specialization

This specialization consists of 4 courses, each covering the various aspects of Blockchain technology. The entire content is 100% online, there is no need to attend classes in person. Just select your schedules and start learning!

Following are the four courses you will get in this specialization:

  • Introduction to Blockchain Technologies
  • Transacting on the Blockchain
  • Blockchain and Business: Applications and Implications
  • Blockchain Opportunity Analysis

Learners can finish the specialization in one month If they can spare 15 hours/week. Though, you have all the liberty to set your schedules and complete it as per your schedules.

Over the course of 4 courses, following is the content you get:

  • Course one includes: 63 video lectures, 33 readings and 32 quizzes
  • Second course has: 43 videos, 21 readings and 17 quizzes
  • Third course consists of: 69 videos, 23 readings and 28 quizes
  • Last course of the blockchain specialization includes: 22 videos, 14 readings and 6 quizzes

What do you get after completion?

After completion of this specialization, you will able to ​establish and execute blockchain technology within your own enterprise or organization. You also get a certificate of completion upon successful completion of this specialization. Not to mention how much is the value of a Coursera Certificate.

Therefore, if you are looking to learn everything about Blockchain technology, consider looking at this Specialization from INSEAD today!


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